

Bernolákova 3,
811 07 Bratislavaa

+421 948 687 667

Mon. - Fri.: 07:30- 15:30

Sat: 07:30 - 12:00
Sun: According to the agreement

We are here for you

7 days a week

Health problems don’t choose time, therefore We are here for you 7 days a week and We prescribe even on weekends and holidays.

Non-stop consultation with a doctor

Consultations 24 hours a day

If you need a consultation about your health problem, contact us,  You will consult your health problem directly with our head proctologist.

Priority medical examinations

We accept pregnant women

We also accept pregnant women with acute proctological problems, without preparation, and on the same day.

proktologická ambulancia Bratislava



In the area where we work, the most important thing is experience – and it is precisely on them that we decided to build our clinic under the guidance of an experienced proctologist, MUDr. Karim Masalkhi.   After thousands of satisfied and healed patients and a number of positive reviews, he decided to build a highly specialized Proctocare clinic. Under his guidance, we are ready to provide you professional services at the highest possible level, both in terms of staff and modern equipment.


A wide range of services in field of proctology

We know that almost everyone is worried about the first visit to the proctologist. we provide the highest emphasis on human approach, discretion and maximum professionalism, part of the examination, the proctologist shall be acquainted with the general state of health of the patient who the examination will clarify the problem that is bothering him.

Hemorroids, also called piles . are swollen veins in anus and lower rectum, similar to varicose veins. Hemorrhoids can develop inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids).Nearly three out of four adults will have hemorrhoids from time to time. Hemorrhoids have a number of causes, but often the cause is unknown.

Anal fissure is a rupture of the mucosa in the distal part of the anal canal (directly in the anal opening).  An acute anal fissure looks like a fresh tear, somewhat like a paper cut. A chronic anal fissure likely has a deeper tear, and may have internal or external fleshy growths. A fissure is considered chronic if it lasts more than eight weeks.

It is not only one of the most painful diseases of the rectum, but also one of the most painful diseases at all.

Perianal thrombosis of hemorrhoids is the most common complication of external hemorrhoids, characterized by sudden onset and marked painful swelling-lumps at the perianal region reaches the size of a pea to a cherry.

The pain mainly causes stimulation of nerve endings around the rectum.

Ignoring the problem can lead to rupture of the thrombus and subsequent heavy bleeding from the hemorrhoid node.

Anal fimbriae are formations of skin folds.   they occur very often and are almost always harmless. Usually patients wrong or misunderstand them with external hemorrhoids. Duplicates can be in one, two or more nodes around the anus.

Sometimes skin folds are painful and can be a sign of an anal fissure.

The term anal polyp refers to a benign tumor located on the mucosa anal canal. When they are not alive, their presence is accompanied otherwise necessary symptoms may be, for example, bleeding, or mucous discharge.

Perianal condylomas are infectious, viral, benign in nature. They are often the result of a venereal disease known as the HPV virus – papillomavirus, which is transmitted by direct contact and is considered sexually transmitted disease STD .

Anal itching in the rectum is in most cases caused by another disease – e.g. hemorrhoids, an anal fissure, some skin condition, or even diabetes or inflammatory rectal disease or cancer.

Price list

Price for individual medical procedures

As we approach each patient as individually as possible, we will agree on the price of individual treatments or their combinations after the initial examination. The reason why we do not publish a complete price list is that the patient’s self-diagnosis very rarely coincides with a medically established diagnosis. In the case of a telephone consultation, we will gladly to provide you further information regarding pricing


  • Individual approach
  • Rectal digital exam
  • Ano-rektoscopy examination
  • Examination Duration up to 30 minutes
  • Setting up an individual program according to the test results


We are here for you, so we prescribe from Monday to Sunday. If necessary, we will accept you outside office hours.


After calling us you will consult your health problem directly with our proctologist.

YOU DON'T NEED any recommendation ticket FOR EXAMINATION

In case of acuta proctologival problem, you do not need any recommendation ticket ticket for examination

We speak english

We make sure that we provide healthcare to the maximum level standard. We equipped our clinic with the most modern equipment, at the same time we provide the highest emphasis on human approach, discretion and maximum professionalism,
don’t hesitate to contact us .

A disease is not a disgrace

We know that the diseases we treat are marked by a certain stigma. In any case, there is no need to be ashamed of them – it is a disease like any other. The worst thing a patient can do is neglect the disease or try to eliminate it by “self-medication”. We are here for you and thanks to our many years of experience, we can provide you with the maximum professional and detailed examination that you do not have to worry about. Discretion and a human approach are something for us that must not be missing in this area of medicine.

days a year we are here for you
satisfied patients
languages we are speaking in


What our patients said about us

How to find us

The easy way to us in different ways

Naša klinika sídli v moderných priestoroch budovy YIT – STEIN 2  v Starom Meste, na križovatke Legionárskej a Krížnej ulice.

Free parking is available directly in front of the building.

From the train station, take trolleybus line number 210 and get off at the
Racianske mýto stop, then walk 200 m to us- Stein Building

From the bus station / mlynské Nivy / there are lines 21, 210, get off at
the Racianske mýto stop, then walk to us 200 m on foot

Available lines tram number 4, 9, get off at Križna, then walk to us 150
tram number 3,7,9 and bus 39 go to the Blumental stop – get off at the
Blumental stop, then walk 350 m to Stein to us

From the bus station / mlynské Nivy / there are lines 21, 210, get off at
the Racianske mýto stop, then walk to us 200 m on foo.