

Bernolákova 3,
811 07 Bratislavaa

+421 948 687 667

Mon. - Fri.: 07:30- 15:30

Sat: 07:30 - 12:00
Sun: According to the agreement

Anal fissure treatment

(including postpartum anal fissure)

Anal fissure is a rupture of the mucosa in the distal part of the anal canal (directly in the anal opening).  An acute anal fissure looks like a fresh tear, somewhat like a paper cut. A chronic anal fissure likely has a deeper tear, and may have internal or external fleshy growths. A fissure is considered chronic if it lasts more than eight weeks.

It is not only one of the most painful diseases of the rectum, but also one of the most painful diseases at all.

Pain, bleeding, burning, stinging, cutting – these are the symptoms of an anal fissure that

resemble the symptoms of other proctological diseases. The cause of anal fissures is hard stool, constipation, or, conversely, recurrent diarrhea, stress, inflammatory bowel disease, sedentary occupation, but most often occurs just after childbirth. 

Diagnosis of the anal fissure requires an experienced proctologist, as patients with other proctological problems often come to us, complaining about bleeding, itching and pain, but eventually we find that their diagnosis was made incorrectly and correctly

the cause of their pain was the anal fissure. Therefore, we really recommend early diagnosis by an experienced proctologist who will not underestimate your diagnosis and reveal it as soon as time plays in this case a very important role.

Fissures are divided into acute and chronic. Acute fissure manifests as mucosal incision

paper and heal spontaneously within 6 weeks. Chronic fissure persists for longer and without treatment usually does not heal. It is wider, deeper and very painful. 

As far as treatment is concerned, it is very important to exact the diagnosis of anal fissure from the beginning . At our clinic we achieve excellent results in cooperation with our pharmacologists, with whom we will set up treatment with special topical local rectal ointments (glycerol trinitrate, diltiazem, nifedipine), which relax the anal ring immediately after their application, leads to the release of the spastic ring, and to the start of tissue healing.

Based on our experience and thousands of treated patients, we can confirm that with these local conservative ointments combinations, we guarantee up to 90% healing of all anal fissures. 

Radiofrequency or radio wave method 

When the anal fissure no longer responds to our recommended conservative treatment described above, we recommend radiofrequency to the patient.  Using this method removes chronic tissue surrounding the fissure, which prevent the anal fissure from healing. This procedure is performed in  local anesthesia and in one sitting. It requires no preparation and only takes 15 minutes. After the procedure, the patient can go home without any problems, without any complications. However, it is very important to entrust yourself to the right proctologist. We can be proud at our clinic the success rate of this procedure, reaching a success rate of 99.99%. We do it very gently, painless and without the need for general anesthesia, which of course leads to rapid initiating chronic anal fissure healing. We must point out that surgical treatment was once the gold standard of chronic anal fissure, until the mid-1990s. However, all surgical techniques are combined with a potential risk of first- to second-degree postoperative incontinence (i.e. problems with maintaining gas or loose stools). That’s why we perform everything possible treatments to prevent such surgery, with permanent success.


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